Friday, November 22, 2013

Boring.. Boring Galaxies... JK! Cool Galaxy News HERE!

        Hey Everyone! I'm back! Today, We have some interesting news here. This week, we need do do a current event, and I decided to do this! Galaxies! A new galaxy was discovered! It's name is z8_GND_5296. This galaxy appears in a patch of firmament(sky) near the Great Bear Collection. This galaxy is so far away that it would take 13 billion light years to reach Earth! That's pretty far away. cool enough, it is the most distant galaxy that had been found, as well as, the oldest! It was found to be existing since 700 million years after the Big Bang.

Galaxy.... COOL!
        Some interesting people found out about z8_GND_5296. Steven Finkelstein and his colleagues of the University of Texas in Austin discovered it. They found this in October, to be more specific, the 23rd, but this article was posted on November 20th. So, it wasn't to long ago when they found this! Yet, it is the oldest galaxy... Ironic. This interesting galaxy does some pretty cool stuff. It can make new stars 100 times faster than the Milky Way can! *Us Humans live in the Milky Way!* This basically says that this galaxy might have more areas that have a reasonably quick star formation than they thought.

Another Galaxy!

        This story is important because it is a huge discovery for the astronomers. Because of this, I found it really importnant when i saw the article. I thouhgt it was cool when I saw that there was anew ghalaxy discovered, as well as it being the oldest and the farthest awaty from us that was found! I believe that they will use this disovery and continue on with it to try to find even more discoveries than then they already have. They have found so many discoveriws just dealing with space. What do you think they will discover next? I believe that they will either find some more things inside z8_GND_5296, or will find other galaxies and constelations.

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Thanks for reading everyone! <3

xoxo Teemster! :D

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