Sunday, September 29, 2013

Chemical Bonds

Hey guys! It’s Teemster! :D I’m back, and I’m going to be talking about something new today! I’m not going to make you guess like last time… but I will tell you a little about it. Today we are going to talk about Chemical Bonds, as you may know. This will be a fun topic to talk about!

Do you know anything about the atomic structure? Well, you’re going to need to know about that first. An atom consists of three particles, protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons are positively charged particles that are bunched up together with neutrons forming an atomic nucleus. Neutrons are neutral, meaning they have no charge. Those two are bunched together, while electrons fly around them. Electrons are negatively charged particles that circle around the nucleus unevenly. Pretty simple, right?

These electrons are separated into electron shells. Each shell can hold up to a certain amount of electrons. The first can hold 2, then 8, 8, 16, 16, 32, 32… It goes like that. When the outer shell of an atom is full, the atom is a stable atom. However, if the atom isn’t full, then it is unstable. Easy, right? When the electron shells rapidly orbit around the nucleus, it makes the cloud. Cool, right! Wait… not a puffy cloud…  It’s an atomic cloud. It is visually seen because the electrons orbit rapidly around the nucleus! Now, that’s what I meant!
Not this... ^^

This... *Arrow Down*


Haha you get that? Hopefully you do, because if you don’t… then you won’t get anything else that I’m about to talk about! Anyways, lets get back to the scientific stuff. In the outer electron shell of an atom, the electrons are called valence electrons. Valence electrons are electrons that are on the outer electron shell. Valence electrons are electrons that can be taken away or shared with other electrons.

When two or more atoms share, take, or give electrons, its called chemical bonding. When an atom shares an electron with another atom, it would make it a covalent bond. I think of covalent bonding as the two unhappy atoms work together and combine, literally, and become the best of friends! When an atom takes an electron from another atom, it would make an ionic bond. When an atom takes an electron from another atom, the atom that gained an electron becomes a negative atom. The atom that lost an electron becomes a positive atom. Then, because of electrostatic attraction, opposites attract. Electrostatic attraction makes the two, or more, atoms combine because of them being positively or negatively charged. So, I think of it this way. One atom is being mean, and takes an electron from another atom. Then, the atom randomly likes the other atom and they become besties! So, basically, all atoms become friends at the end of the day! J

There ya go! Simple information about how chemicals bond! They become the best of friends! :D Well, did you like my blog? Comment your thoughts for me please! :D

xoxo Teemster! :D


  1. Hey~~~I like your multimedia, the ratio(we just took test in math:))of words and pics, like your personality shown! A!!

  2. Great job, Teema! I liked how in depth you went with explaining atomic structure, and your pictures were very helpful. I noticed minimal grammatical and spelling errors, so it was easy to read. Over all, an improvement over your last blog. If I should deal out a letter grade, I'd give you an A!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. yay! Thx! I like the long comment it shows you took time to write it! :)

  3. Lots of links that were good. Great Job I give you an A+

  4. I like that the links are in the text great job! A+

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. good info and pics, I liked it a lot. Overall great.

  7. it was pretty good! it was very long though, but overall either a B+ or an A- either way it was great
