Monday, November 18, 2013


Hello peoples of the universe! I’m back! This week we will be talking about energy. You know what energy is? I hope so, but if not you will learn all about it today! Energy is a really simple topic to learn about, and I’m glad to be the one teaching you!

When objects have energy, they have the capability to cause change. There are two types of energy that relate to motion, kinetic energy and potential energy. Potential energy is when energy that is stored increases or decreases due to the objects position or condition. So, for instance, use this as an example. Have you ever been bowling? Well, when you are holding the ball, about to throw it, you are building up potential energy. Then, once you throw it, the object is in motion, so it has kinetic energy.

A/N - I know I didn't use a roller coaster for an example… but it shows the difference… so… yeah…

When an object is in motion, it has kinetic energy. You can only have kinetic energy if it’s in motion. The more mass and speed an object has, the more kinetic energy it has. Now for an example! A huge snowball (200 pounds) is going 30 miles per hour along with a person (120 pounds) running 15 miles per hour downhill (both are downhill). Which one has the most kinetic energy? The large snowball! It’s that because it has more mass and more speed. Now, when that person is about to start running and the snowball is about to fall, which one would have more potential energy? The snowball, one again! It’s that because the snowball has a larger mass than the person.


Okay! A little more left, and you are done! Let's go back to the example about bowling. When you bowl, you throw a bowling ball in a lane and they hit pins. When the ball is rolling, it is building speed and more kinetic energy. When the ball hits the pins, it transfers its energy from the ball to the pins. These pins now fall down in a domino-like reaction and you (hopefully) get a strike! When this is happening, the energy transferred from one object to another by colliding. Cool, isn’t it? When two things are side by side on a shelf, one has more potential energy. Do you know which one? Well, these two items are a small thin book, while the other is a huge think book. The huge thick book will have more potential energy because of its size and weight.

Did you like my blog about random energy and how you are using it now
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 I would love to know what you thought of this! 
Thanks for reading everyone! <3

xoxo Teemster! :D


  1. good stuff teemo i liked our information and no mistakes A+

  2. Good!
    Maybe a bit more examples though, so people who don't understand can figure it out easier.

  3. Nice info, nice job puting all the examples into an easy to read/picture way!
